I often recommend that renters should purchase a Tenant Liability policy to protect their property and lives.
This type of coverage is is not prohibitively expensive and the benefits are, by far, very substantial. Your local insurance agent will be able to sell you the insurance product that suits your needs.
Your personal property, in the event it is lost, damaged, or stolen, is generally covered. If a fire takes place in your apartment and your personal effects are destroyed, your Tenant’s Insurance should cover the lost items. If your home is burglarized, in most instances you are covered.
Most importantly, if you are sued for any accident that takes place in OR OUT of your apartment, your Tenant’s Insurance provides peace of mind to cover the loss.
This type of coverage does not cover an automobile accident – it only covers general liability situations (e.g., a person falls on a frayed carpet in your home, a faulty shower burns a guest in your home, etc).
If you are injured in an accident, feel free to call the Law Office of Charles DeStefano at 718-390-0580