We are always concerned when we leave our children in the care and custody of bus drivers, teachers, lunch attendants, principals, etc. Life has its uncertainties (but we cannot be consumed with the unknown and potential dangers of schooling our children; we would live in a state of constant anxiety … [+]
We should all exercise defensive driving (and defense walking, cycling, etc)
Accidents occur despite people following the Rules of the Road. That is why we should all exercise defensive driving (and defense walking, cycling, etc). Look carefully at intersections as you are turning into crosswalks – there are blind spots that could obscure pedestrians (especially children). There is no need to … [+]
Invest in maintaining your home – it can save you from liability exposure
The simplest maintenance of your property could save you from being sued for negligence. Carpets (especially on steps) should be immediately repaired as they present a trip hazard. Sidewalk cracks, fissures, etc. are clearly an accident waiting to occur. Bear in mind that members of the public use your sidewalk … [+]
Exercise caution as you walk in a delineated crosswalk
Mayor DeBlasio has pushed his “Vision Zero” initiative to help prevent pedestrian deaths and injuries. The most dangerous place for pedestrians can be in a crosswalk since drivers often do not see pedestrians due to sun glare, driver distraction, etc. Once defensive driving was the norm. Now, due to the … [+]
An accident in which both parties claim to have a “green light” requires an aggressive investigation
Barring an incredible software glitch, a traffic signal can display a green light for only one set of drivers at a time. However, it is common that following an intersection accident, both parties will (strangely enough) claim that they proceeded on a light in their favor. Chaulk it up to … [+]
If you are injured in an accident, use all tools available to you to preserve evidence
If you are injured in a car accident (and able to ambulate, of course) you need to take photos of the damage to your vehicle, as well as the damage to the other vehicle(s) involved, and the general scene of the accident. Any cases involving a a trip and fall … [+]
Safety concerns during the holiday season
There are safety issues that we should be conscious of during the holidays and some simple tips could save lives. For those who have Christmas trees, always unplug the lights before going to bed. Faulty electrical cords, tree lights, etc., along with proximity to flammable materials (wrapping paper, cotton bedding … [+]
All visitors to New York State have the right to be protected under No Fault
There has been much discussion (maybe too much!) about the election and how our newly elected President will act on the immigration issue. Without discussing the politics of this important matter, there are important components our the law in New York that will always protect all persons residing in this … [+]
Su abogado necesita comunicarse con usted! Su abogado es su defensor !
The word “advocate” is derived from the Latin for “One who is call for to render aid.” There is no better definition to describe what a lawyer’s responsibilities and duties are to his clients. We are trained to get you through difficult times such as a accidents which render … [+]