Alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of accidents in the world

Alcohol as I mentioned in previous blogs is one of the leading causes of auto accidents in the world. Driving under the influence of alcohol is very dangerous, very few people measure the true risk of driving while intoxicated. Many people think that drinking little does not affect them, the … [+]

If you are injured in an accident, use all tools available to you to preserve evidence

If you are injured in a car accident (and able to ambulate, of course) you need to take photos of the damage to your vehicle, as well as the damage to the other vehicle(s) involved, and the general scene of the accident. Any cases involving a a trip and fall … [+]

Vetting an attorney – Questions to ask to decide which attorney is best for your legal issue

Choosing an attorney is not unlike choosing any other professional, with some exceptions.  Here are a few pointers to help you decide how to choose an attorney who is best suited to help you with your legal issues: How many years of experience in a particular field of law does … [+]

Safety concerns during the holiday season

There are safety issues that we should be conscious of during the holidays and some simple tips could save lives. For those who have Christmas trees, always unplug the lights before going to bed.  Faulty electrical cords, tree lights, etc., along with proximity to flammable materials (wrapping paper, cotton bedding … [+]

All visitors to New York State have the right to be protected under No Fault

There has been much discussion (maybe too much!) about the election and how our newly elected President will act on the immigration issue. Without discussing the politics of this important matter,  there are important components our the law in New York that will always protect all persons residing in this … [+]

Medical proof is needed to substantiate a personal injury claim

If you have been injured in a car accident, bicycle accident, or slip and fall, trip and fall, etc.  in order for you to be compensated through the Courts you will need to have proof of your injury.  Generally, this proof is in the form of medical records, reports of … [+]

The Heroin Epidemic impacts many quality of life issues, including car accidents

Our community has been at battle with the scourge of heroin.  It has has affected our lives in so many ways.  Our children are dying at explosive rates  that exceed fatalities from automobile accidents! Violent crimes are on the rise, a likely result of desperate heroin addicts who need a … [+]

Su abogado necesita comunicarse con usted! Su abogado es su defensor !

La palabra “abogado” se deriva del latín que significa “Aquel que es llamado a prestar ayuda.” No hay mejor definición para describir lo que las responsabilidades y funciones de un abogado son a sus clientes. Estamos capacitados para obtener a través de tiempos difíciles, tales como los accidentes que hacen … [+]

Su abogado necesita comunicarse con usted! Su abogado es su defensor !

  The word “advocate” is derived from the Latin for “One who is call for to render aid.”  There is no better definition to describe what a lawyer’s responsibilities and duties are to his clients. We are trained to get you through difficult times such as a accidents which render … [+]

Outline of a Lawsuit – Part 27 – Cross Examination of a Defense Doctor

Most doctors who testify on behalf of defendants (and for all intents and purposes, insurance carriers) are engaging in a lucrative enterprise that barely resembles the practice of medicine. These doctors generally have their own medical or hospital practice and are supplementing their incomes by examining plaintiffs solely for the … [+]