This is the season when automobile accidents are more likely to occur compared to other times of year. We often mistakenly assume that the summer would be the time of year that most car accidents take place because more people are on the roads, however there are a multitude of factors that raise the likelihood of an accident taking place in October versus June or July.
Firstly, the sun rises later and sets earlier as we progress towards winter. This means that we have less natural light to guide us during daylight hours. Less light means that we are at a lesser advantage to see what should be seen. Natural light gives us a full range of the roadway and the cars and pedestrians who are on it.
Secondly, as leaves fall from the trees, this creates a slippery and hazardous condition. Leaves on a roadway make it more difficult to stop our vehicles, especially when it rains.
Thirdly, once Daylight Savings Time requires us to abide to a clock that is set back one hour, we lose an extra hour of sleep in the morning. This leads to fatigue and that translates into drivers who tend to lose control of their vehicles.
Lastly, the Fall season is when children return to school. The roads are congested from 7 to 8:30 am, and then again at 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. This means that not only are there more pedestrians, but there are more school buses and parents driving their vehicles during those periods of time. More cars raises the probability of there being more accidents.
We should all exercise caution during this transitional season and be aware that defensive driving ca save lives.